
A key area for digital transformation is data collection. Eliminating paperwork and using modern technologies to process data opens up new methods of strategic planning. Data analysis helps business owners better understand customer needs, find weaknesses in the business and discover new opportunities.

Process automation is an integral part of digitalization. It makes operations more stable, accurate and secure. Following digital transformation guidelines eliminates the risk of losing important documents or missing steps in the transformation process. Process automation reduces manual work and completes repetitive tasks to free up your employees’ time for more demanding work.

Digitization allows you to scale your business and generate more revenue, while management automation helps you organize your employees work more efficiently. Technology can also reduce the risk of human error and allow you to avoid downtime and rework. With computerized analytics, business owners can set more precise goals and monitor progress toward those goals. Technology helps managers solve problems faster and more efficiently.

INGENIO Qualitas® offers customized consulting and can build you a digital solution based on Microsoft SharePoint. This allows you to implement a cost-effective, sustainable and high-quality solution in your company, which greatly relieves your management and all employees. The solution is clearly arranged as well as easy to use, whereby you do not have to have deep IT know-how or be afraid of complex software implementations.

What do we offer?

Introduction to digital management and process management
Development of a digital & company-specific management system
Easy to use, clear & visualizing intranet
Document management system
Digitalized & structured document management
Digitalized approval workflow
Digitalized management cockpit
Digitalized action management

Customer benefits

More efficient, high-quality processes & procedures
More flexible & faster work within the company
Satisfied & motivated employees
Increased competitiveness
Increased efficiency of business processes
Improved communication between work teams
Productivity increase

Our technology partners

Also available as remote service!

As an excellent alternative, we also offer our services on a remote basis. It is possible to connect all involved persons, no matter where they are, to work together professionally online.

Andreas Ulmann
Do you have any questions about Digitalisation?
Please contact me for a no-obligation consultation.
+41 52 535 83 71 andreas.ulmann@ingenioqualitas.ch